S o u t h w e s t   P h o t o g r a p h y







I would like to personally welcome you to Southwest photographic art by Gabriel.

The purpose of Gabriel Photographic, and the works it contains, is simply to cause the viewer to see that which perhaps would not be noticed were a vignette, a frame of reference, not placed around the image to delineate the vision.

In these images I have attempted to set forth that vision in such a manner as to reveal the inner "soul" of the subject -- be it the amazingly animated spiritual architecture of the American Southwest, to the often surreal landscapes of its territory, to the character written on the countenances of those native to the land.

An attempt has been made here to create a site as simple and elegant--or as simply elegant--as possible, in keeping with the front page quote from Dorothy Marie Elliott: There is much beauty in simplicity.

You are welcome to purchase prints of these images, or simply enjoy viewing them online. And--your comments and communication are always welcome.

Thank you for visiting.

Best regards,
